Monday, 28 July 2008

Last post: My Viking figures

After seven days of racing, I ended at 29th place in my class, after racing for a total of 17 hours, 42 minutes and four seconds (overall result is unknown).

My Cateye bicycle computer reports that I've rolled a total of 819 kilometres on paved and graveled roads.

Due to lack of automatic recording, my Polar heart rate monitor reports about 100 kilometres shorter distance than the Cateye (722 km), during which I've climbed 10850 metres and burned 20117 kCal.

Finally, as stated previously, I sat a new personal speed record at 77 km/h. This happended twice: first on the descend from Juvasshytta on stage 3, and then on the last stage, probably on the descend to Vikøyri after the finish line.

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